About Us

About Minecraft Server Australia

About Our Company.

Our mission and belief is that all Australians should easily be able to rent their own Australian Minecraft Server that has no lag, lots of features and excellent customer support. We are an all Australian based company that provides reliable and top quality local Australian Minecraft servers.

Only the best hardware and networks available are used and we provide excellent customer support to help you manage your Minecraft server with ease. We also manage everything for you from setting up the server, updates, maintenance, custom mods, modpacks and plugins.

The Company was started in June 2011 and has grown significantly since then, having now provided servers for over 5000 customers across Australia.

Minecraft Server Australia Staff

Company Staff


Support Admin (Service Guru)

Support Admin (Mod/Plugin Extraordinaire)

We are one of the only Game Service Providers that solely hosts Minecraft in Australia. Whereas our competitors host a variety of Games which hinders their level of service. We have the most knowledge and experience in hosting Minecraft in Australia.

We truly love playing Minecraft and take pride in hosting the game for all our customers.

Business Contact Info:

Phone: +61 02 8071 4826

Email: [email protected]